Sunday, April 11, 2010

Announcing New Website for Real Estate in Costa Rica-Nicaragua

Well everyone knows I love Nicaragua, but Costa Rica was my first introduction to Central America (besides Mexico & the Caribbean) back in 2002. Living and working in Costa Rica also became my eventual gateway to traveling and working and living in Nicaragua beginning in 2006.

Living centrally in Costa Rica also led me to travel in Panama, so I have a lot to thank Costa Rica for!

With that in mind, I have decided to expand my services throughout Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Even a few times on this blog I may weave through topics that have to do with not only Nicaragua, but Costa Rica and Panama as well.

I hope you all enjoy and can use this info to decide where you might be most inclined to live or invest in the future!


Check out more about me, stats and properties on each country and the Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Panama Photo Gallery, as well as lots of fun information and downloadable documents.

Tell your friends!

Northern Nicaragua at Sunrise